View DetailsLogstash,作为Elastic Stack家族中的核心成员之一,是一个功能强大的开源数据收集引擎。它专长于从各种来源动态地获取、解析、转换和丰富数据,并将这些结构化或非结构化的数据高效地传输到诸如Elasticsearch等存储系统中进行集中分析和可视化展现。在本文中,我们将详细介绍如何借助Docker容器技术快速安装配置Logstash,以实现日志及各类事件数据的无缝集成与实时处理。
View Details1.拉取RocketMQ镜像
4.启动 Broker+Proxy
6. 停止容器
The following documentation provides a baseline for configuring NGINX to proxy requests to MinIO in a Linux environment. It is not intended as a comprehensive approach to NGINX, proxying, or reverse proxying in general. Modify the configuration as necessary for your infrastructure. This documentation assumes the following: An existing NGINX deployment An existing MinIO deployment A DNS hostname which uniquely identifies the MinIO deployment There are two models for proxying requests to the MinIO Server API and the MinIO Console: Create or configure a dedicated DNS name for the MinIO service. For […]
View DetailsMinio 是一个基于Apache License v2.0开源协议的对象存储服务,虽然轻量,却拥有着不错的性能。它兼容亚马逊S3云存储服务接口,非常适合于存储大容量非结构化的数据。
例如图片、视频、日志文件、备份数据和容器/虚拟机镜像等,而一个对象文件可以是任意大小,从几 kb 到最大 5T 不等。
View Details1. 上传一张图片到minio,成功后,访问时却提示“AccessDenied ”的如下错误: 2. 因为我是本地测试,不存在跟服务器时间差异的问题,也不存在nginx配置的问题(没用nginx),所以我就猜测这个肯定是权限的问题,于是就发现Buckets中确实有个配置Access Policy的地方 打开一看,果不其然,设置为public,然后保存 3. 再刷新刚才访问的地址,能正常访问了 from:
View Details解决方法: spring boot admin设置配置:
1 |
spring.boot.admin.ui.public-url: |
这个地址就是你ngnix代理的ip和端口 from:
View Details解决方案,添加证书忽略
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HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); request.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (_s, _x509s, _x509c, _ssl) => { return (true); }; HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); |
View Details1.在“将远程桌面服务用户限制到单独的远程桌面服务会话”界面中选择“已禁用”然后点击确定;
报错:Error response from daemon: Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) 解决方法: 配置加速地址:
1 |
vim /etc/docker/daemon.json |
进入这个文件以后输入i打开编辑模式, 添加以下内容:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 |
{ "registry-mirrors": [ "", "", "", "", "https://your_preferred_mirror", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } |
1 2 |
systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart docker |
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